The Marvel Cinematic Universe film titled “Forever” premiere was held in Los Angeles in October.
Many celebrate and worldwide actors and guests were invited to the festival.
The fans especially were impressed by the famous and charming actress, Salma Hayek’s young daughter’s beauty.
Especially, it was so surprising and nice, since her 14-year-old princess, Valentina went with her parents to such a public event for the first time.
So, for fans and paparazzi of Salma and her husband, French billionaire Francois, it was an exceptional chance to “catch” their young and charming daughter.
Usually, Valentina avoids being seen and noticed by the public.
However, this time she was introduced to the public, and though it was her first “overcrowded” event she felt comfortable.
The pretty Valentina behaved herself so naturally, that even her dress was an ordinary pleasant all-black attire.
Fans, admire Hayek and her family, especially for their simple and ordinary looks, who don’t act as arrogant in public at all.
As fans mentioned, it was especially Valentina’s eyes that are simply the copy of her mother’s.
In addition, after their latest photo appeared on social media, Valentina significantly has been changed, according to their fans.
Then, the young girl was only 8 years old, and, over time, turned into a real beauty.