Kind man adopts animals from shelters with health issues: no one else wants to take care of them

It’s a fact that not all shelter animals get new owners. It’s natural that shelters strive to find caring owners for the pets but far not every animal gets the attention of people. The majority of people adopting a pet welcomes healthy and young animals.

And this supernatural story is about Steve Greig from Denver, Colorado, who once decided to adopt as many animals as he can afford.

Kind man adopts animals from shelters with health issues: no one else wants to take care of them

But this is what makes this story unique.

The moment this man decided to adopt as many animals as he can take care of, was when his beloved dog passed away. After a month or two, he still felt horrible. He needed something good and positive to happen.

So he went to a shelter and adopted 12-year-old Chihuahua. This was his first but not the last visit to shelters!

Kind man adopts animals from shelters with health issues: no one else wants to take care of them

Steve tells that he has had a special love for animals since childhood. His parents also were animal lovers and let him take care of as many pets as he could.

Now the man has a dozen of dogs, a pig, two ducks, some cats, a pigeon, a rabbit and a couple of chickens. He thinks he has the mission to protect animals in need.

Kind man adopts animals from shelters with health issues: no one else wants to take care of them

It’s not that easy for Steve to wake up every morning at 5 a.m., but the love and responsibility towards the animals give him strength. Not to mention, the majority of his dogs are on individual diets.

Steve says he has a special connection with each of his pets. He considers his life worthwhile!

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Comments: 1
  1. Pam Sauce

    I would love to meet a man that could understand my love for my animals. Steve sounds perfect, or someone like him!

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Kind man adopts animals from shelters with health issues: no one else wants to take care of them
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