Incredible story: cat came to a cafe to ask people for help, her babies froze in the cold

This story took place in the city of Labinsk, Krasnodar territory. A stray cat came to the windows of a cafe. Then she began to scratch the window with her paws, meow and call people.

Several people came out to look at the cat, and when the workers decided to drive the animal away, they stood up for it.

Incredible story: cat came to a cafe to ask people for help, her babies froze in the cold

The young couple decided to take the cat, but she escaped from the girl’s hands and began to call her for him.

The couple followed the kitty into the woods and she led them to a cardboard box. These people weren’t sure about following the animal but something led them to follow the cat.

Incredible story: cat came to a cafe to ask people for help, her babies froze in the cold

The box was completely sealed and stood in the middle of the path. The cat began to scratch the box and get nervous, then the guy opened it. Newborn kittens lay inside.

The cat immediately jumped to the babies and began to feed and lick them. The couple grabbed the box and carried it home.

Incredible story: cat came to a cafe to ask people for help, her babies froze in the cold

Now the kids and their brave mother are under supervision. They will find loving hands. The couple appreciated the courage and perseverance of the furry mom and will keep her for themselves.

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Comments: 3
  1. Linda

    God bless the people who helped her.

  2. Darla Chontos

    Thank you Angels for following mama cat & rescuing her babies as well.
    May God bless both of you for your kind deed.

  3. Taylor Herwehe

    Animals care more about their children than some humans

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Incredible story: cat came to a cafe to ask people for help, her babies froze in the cold
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