Incredible eagle-parrot – the most amazing representative of the bright family

Nature will never stop surprising us. Even in the era of technology, we don’t stop watching new species of different creatures.

Every time we think, there is nothing more surprising than this animal or bird but after a short time, we admire new beauties and masterpieces of nature.

Incredible eagle-parrot - the most amazing representative of the bright family

For instance, when we imagine a parrot, the image of a bright, noisy bird that can reproduce human speech arises in our thoughts.

A unique parrot lives in New Guinea, completely breaking the usual ideas about its family. Unlike the crowd of relatives, his appearance and behavior cause awe and even some fear.

Incredible eagle-parrot - the most amazing representative of the bright family

Stunning black with red! A majestic and formidable look, evoking an association with an eagle. The beak is resin-colored, impressively curved forward.

It’s scary to imagine if a parrot hits someone on the arm at least once! The total length of the bird is half a meter, the weight can reach 600 g.

Incredible eagle-parrot - the most amazing representative of the bright family

Males can be distinguished by a single sign – red spots behind the ears. This gives them extra solidity.

Have you ever seen a similar parrot? What are your thoughts about this bird? Would you like to have one?

Share the story with your friends. Let them also be informed of how majestic and incredibly creative nature is!

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Incredible eagle-parrot – the most amazing representative of the bright family
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