Grandma saved the little wolf cub from a trap, and he repaid her after two years

Wild animals, as well as domestic pets, do not forget the kind deeds of people. They will remember for many years how they were rescued from disaster and keep gratitude in their souls. Our history is exactly about this.

In a remote village lived a single grandmother. The population was not large, only a dozen huts. The civilization did not reach these regions, the local residents had to heat their houses with wood, which they prepared in the summer.

Our hero, like all the inhabitants, went every day to the wood and brought from there heavy sticks of wood.

Grandma saved the little wolf cub from a trap, and he repaid her after two years

Once, grandma, as usual, went to the forest. Seeing a felled dry tree, she began to break off branches.

At this second, the woman heard a baby cry. Not far off she saw a trapped wolf cub. The grandma felt sorry for the cub, she helped him to free himself from the trap and went on to do her own work.

The poor thing, lame, went after her. The grandmother could not leave the damaged wolf and took him with her.

Grandma saved the little wolf cub from a trap, and he repaid her after two years

At home, this woman first bandaged the baby’s sore foot and then fed him. The baby lived with her for about two months, until he recovered completely.

The woman became very attached to the small predator but she understood that he must return to the wild, so she took him to the place where she found him.

2 years have passed since it happened. One winter grandma went to the wood to collect some brushwood, and there she suddenly lost consciousness.

Grandma saved the little wolf cub from a trap, and he repaid her after two years

When the woman opened her eyes, she noticed several puppies and a dog cuddling up to her. But then she realized that it was a wolf with her cubs.

The woman was frightened and she screamed, the wolves at that moment walked away from the grandma and silently went into the woods. Granny noticed that the adult wolf was limping. She realized that it was her rescued wolf cub, only noticeably grown up.

So the predator thanked the grandmother for the kindness done to him. Only thanks to the wolf, the old woman didn’t freeze.

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Grandma saved the little wolf cub from a trap, and he repaid her after two years
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