Guy decided to make friends with a blind cat who was afraid of everyone. He chose an original way for this

Blind cat Stevie ended up in a shelter. But he was used to loneliness, was afraid of everyone and ate little.

Gradually, Stevie began to get along with other cats but was still wary of people. Until he met with volunteer Price.

Shelter volunteer Price McIntyre chose a rather unusual way to tame a cat. He began to read books to him. The choice of the guy fell on a series of books about Harry Potter. And this choice is not so strange.

Guy decided to make friends with a blind cat who was afraid of everyone. He chose an original way for this

Apparently, quite a few people who work at the orphanage are fans of the young wizard, as there are quite a few decorations that are reminiscent of Hogwarts – the school of wizardry from books.

And there is also an interesting initiative in the shelter: cats are distributed among the faculties of this school so that people who want to shelter an animal receive more information about the nature of the future pet.

Guy decided to make friends with a blind cat who was afraid of everyone. He chose an original way for this

Stevie ended up in Hufflepuff, whose hallmarks of students are loyalty, responsiveness, devotion, hard work, perseverance and honesty.

At first, Stevie showed little interest in Price. But Price still came and read to the cat for several hours. And after a couple of weeks, Stevie was already snuggling up to the young man, listening to the story.

Price visits the cat every day, and on Fridays, he even puts on the uniform of a student of Hufflepuff, the faculty that Stevie was assigned to.

Guy decided to make friends with a blind cat who was afraid of everyone. He chose an original way for this

Reading had a surprising effect on the cat: he became more sociable and confident. Despite the blindness, he is already well oriented in space.

And Price is just waiting for permission from her mother to take the cat home. It was difficult to tame him, but it was worth it!

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Guy decided to make friends with a blind cat who was afraid of everyone. He chose an original way for this
The secret to her longevity: Embrace laughter, love, and live life with a grateful heart, look at her