Grizzly bear teaches her cub to rub against a tree as a sign of owning the territory

The role of a mother in the life of any living creature is very important – she gives life, feeds her cub, protects from dangers, and also helps to take the first steps, teaching various necessary wisdom.

So this female grizzly bear decided to teach a lesson to her little bear cub. Taken by wildlife photographer Marion Vollborn in British Columbia, Canada, she teaches her toddler to rub his back against the trunk of a tall tree.

Grizzly bear teaches her cub to rub against a tree as a sign of owning the territory

All bears do this. According to scientists, in this way, they leave their marks (smell and wool) on the trees – personal information about themselves for other bears, demonstrating to them that this is their territory.

This little bear is about five months old and learns from his mother how to rub against a tree. They do this together to secure the material.

Grizzly bear teaches her cub to rub against a tree as a sign of owning the territory

Marion Vollborn captured the scene in a forest near the Nakina River in British Columbia. The photographer came to these places specifically to take pictures of grizzly bears. Marion saw a bear and her cub, that approached a tall tree.

Grizzly bear teaches her cub to rub against a tree as a sign of owning the territory

British Columbia has over 80,000 different species of animals and plants. Black bears, Kermode bears (live exclusively in British Columbia), and, of course, grizzly bears (13 thousand individuals) live here.

Their diet is based on plants, berries, insects, fish – salmon.

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Grizzly bear teaches her cub to rub against a tree as a sign of owning the territory
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