Girl baked cakes, and briefly left the house. When she returned, she found her cat doing a strange thing

A cat named Ruga ended up at a shelter in Queensland, Australia when he was 8 years old. Almost immediately, he went to a new house with a kind girl named Angelina and her fiancé Chris.

Initially, young people planned to simply take a cute purr for overexposure. But time passed, and the girl realized that she did not want to part with Ruga.

Girl baked cakes, and briefly left the house. When she returned, she found her cat doing a strange thing

As soon as Ruga first appeared in a new house, he immediately became attached to the family. He loves to cuddle and loves attention, and he also likes to find a warm place and get a good night’s sleep there.

Purr’s owner was finishing baking cakes the other day when she realized it was time to pick up the car from the mechanic who worked on it. He lives only ten minutes away, so Angelina pulled the cakes out of the oven to cool, and she and her husband went to the door.

Girl baked cakes, and briefly left the house. When she returned, she found her cat doing a strange thing

As soon as the owners left, Ruga came closer to the cooling delicacy, and a brilliant idea ripened in his head.

Upon returning home, Angelina found the cat sleeping peacefully right on the cakes!

The cat reluctantly opened his eyes, glanced at his owners, and closed his eyes again.

Girl baked cakes, and briefly left the house. When she returned, she found her cat doing a strange thing

Ruga couldn’t think of anything better than climbing onto the warm oven and falling asleep right on top of the cooling cakes. After all, this is the warmest place to sleep.

Angelina laughed at the pet for a long time, gently stroking the “frost” on the fur.

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Girl baked cakes, and briefly left the house. When she returned, she found her cat doing a strange thing
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