Finally heartbroken woman reunites with her lost dog after 2 years of separation

This heart-melting story couldn’t keep anyone with dry eyes who witnessed the reunion of Kameroun and her dog after 2 long years. Luckily, this is a story with a happy end.

Kameroun met Semper Fidelis years ago when the lovable husky was a puppy. She decided to get a companion and take care of him in the period when she was fighting for her life, due to a terrible cancer form.

It’s not a surprise that the Latin meaning of the dog name makes sense – ‘always faithful.’ It reveals the character of furry dog Semper. He was the dream dog of Kameroun!

Finally heartbroken woman reunites with her lost dog after 2 years of separation

However, a horrible thing took place in 2016 when Kameroun was traveling to California for her desease. She had to leave Semper with her roommates. Shortly after she was gone, Kameroun was informed that her dog was missing. The poor lady was ruined.

Of course, Kameroun had done anything possible to find her dog. She shared announcements and spread flyers to hear from her pet. The woman asked her friends and relatives for help, but finally, she decided to hire an investigator.

At this point, things had a strange turnaround.

Finally heartbroken woman reunites with her lost dog after 2 years of separation

“Without a break I was searching for Semper for a year. When [I] called Ana Campos to help me, she recommended rechecking the AKC Reunite chip. That is when she discovered that on April 11, 2016, someone added her name to Semper’s chip.”

Finally heartbroken woman reunites with her lost dog after 2 years of separation

Most importantly in the end, Kameroun found out that was her ex-roommate the person that sold Semper.

“Now when I found him, I look at my pet as an expantion of myself and my soul,” Kameroun says. “I am blessed I can hug him again and again!”

Check out the thrilling unity below!

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Comments: 1
  1. Lyn

    How can people be so mean…. Thank goodness she was adamant about finding him!

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Finally heartbroken woman reunites with her lost dog after 2 years of separation
Neglected dog wandered the streets and was ignored by people until kind people noticed her