Drunk man takes home a stray dog, takes care of her and makes her a social media sensation

There are lots of stories about dogs getting rescued from streets. And quite often people with kind heart take them to shelters or adopt the poor animals.

But when a drunk man decided to take a stray dog home, is something new.

The encounter of Boom and Moo Ta was by fate. One day when Boom went for a dinner with his friend, he drank enough to bet taking a stray dog his home.

Drunk man takes home a stray dog, takes care of her and makes her a social media sensation

He actually did it. His friend filmed the drunk Boom taking the dog into his car. Next day, when Boom woke up, he was shocked to see a street dog in his house.

He couldn’t remember bring a street animal home. Later his friend reminded him about his bet and showed the video.

Drunk man takes home a stray dog, takes care of her and makes her a social media sensation

Boom thought he stole the dog of thee restaurant. But when he wanted to return the dog back, the restaurant staff told him that she is a street dog.

At that point, Boom decided to take the pup home. He bathed the poor thing give her food and place to sleep.

Drunk man takes home a stray dog, takes care of her and makes her a social media sensation

Now they are sharing a special bond. Boom treats Moo Ta as if the doggie is his daughter. He likes buying clothing and jewelry for his dog.

These two are now famous on Facebook having more than 100k followers.

Moo Ta is always ready to show her followers new looks.

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Drunk man takes home a stray dog, takes care of her and makes her a social media sensation
The cat was driven away from the benches because of the flies hovering over her head