Dog which didn’t meet the Spitz breed standards found a family where people liked her the way she looks like

This pretty dog’s name is Evie. She turned out to be a homeless animal that had to live on the street. For some time the baby spent alone, and then a kind person finally found her …

The baby was sent to a shelter, where the volunteers drew attention to an interesting detail: Evie very much resembled a Spitz, however, her hair was shorter than that of a purebred dog.

Dog which didn't meet the Spitz breed standards found a family where people liked her the way she looks like

In addition, the shape of her body and muzzle was also slightly different from the required standards.

Volunteers decided that the dog was most likely abandoned precisely because it did not meet the breed standards.

Dog which didn't meet the Spitz breed standards found a family where people liked her the way she looks like

One way or another, Evie needed help, especially since at that time her hair was very short and did not grow. The orphanage tried its best to find a home for her, and soon kind people did indeed appear.

They liked Evie the way she is – not like other dogs, but at the same time lively, cheerful and affectionate.

Dog which didn't meet the Spitz breed standards found a family where people liked her the way she looks like

A little time passed, and Evie’s fur began to thicken and grow. Now she was no longer so short, and the owners were very pleased. The dog gained weight, cheered up, and everything showed that life with the owners was good for her.

The baby loves to eat and sleep, especially in an embrace with the bedspread, which lies on the owner’s bed. Evie also likes to do photoshoots.

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Dog which didn’t meet the Spitz breed standards found a family where people liked her the way she looks like
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