Crested kingfisher – a bird with stunning white plumage flecked with black on back and wings

These birds named crested kingfisher are extinct. They don’t need to makes this cool hairstyle, they are born with it.

The very unique plumage of this bird makes it outstanding in the world of birds. It seems as if someone dyed the bird.

Males have orange feathers on their chests, females don’t. These birds come from Southern Asia.

Crested kingfisher - a bird with stunning white plumage flecked with black on back and wings

Crested kingfishers inhabit mountains where you can find small and large rivers because they hunt fish and crayfish to eat.

They build their nests both on hills and branches of trees. These birds have a special place to incubate their eggs. They dig a barrow in a bank and lay eggs. This task is done by both males and females.

After laying several eggs, females incubate them.

Crested kingfisher - a bird with stunning white plumage flecked with black on back and wings

Only after turning 40 days, parents let their babies live on their own.

These birds aren’t so big in size but surprisingly, they don’t eat fruit or insects like many other birds.

Crested kingfisher - a bird with stunning white plumage flecked with black on back and wings

The unique appearance of these birds maybe tells you that these species live in cold areas but they inhabit only rainforests.

We hope that you enjoyed the story about this wonderful bird. It would be so nice seeing them in real life.

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Crested kingfisher – a bird with stunning white plumage flecked with black on back and wings
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