Many sites and bloggers who describe how cool and wonderful it is to travel the world almost never tell the whole truth.
This unpleasant reality was faced by Lee Hodges and Willow Rolf when they embarked on a big van tour in North America. At some point, they had to choose: they or the cat they saved.
Few people know what lies behind this idyllic shot. The cat’s name is Amy, she was homeless.
In August 2019, the couple began their journey across the United States in a van converted for travel, and by winter they headed south to warm Mexican lands.
On the way, sentimental people picked up a kitty, almost a kitten, homeless and incredibly sad. In the past, the couple also had had cats, so they took her with them. They ended up in Mexico in 2020, and then a disaster struck – due to the attack of dogs, Amy’s cat had a broken leg.
The problem at first glance is ordinary, if not for the COVID-19 that followed. The borders were closing in front of our eyes, the chances of returning home were less and less, it was necessary to throw the cat and skedaddle, almost literally.
It was unrealistic to provide proper care for Amy’s paw in a cramped van and in a hurry, plus there was a hitch with the documents. And then they decided to stay and cure the cat! Thus began a year-long adventure.
As foreigners, during the pandemic, frightened Mexicans literally drove the couple from everywhere. Barely able to replenish supplies, most of the time had to be spent in the wild, away from civilization.
But Amy’s paw recovered completely, and the cat herself became an avid traveler and visited with the owners in different parts of Mexico. They drove around for almost a year, expecting the epidemic to subside, but now they have decided to return home.
It is necessary to have time to issue documents for Amy and cross the border with the United States by the end of January until the visas expire. Take a break, rest, and then you can go on a new journey with your cat!