Cats are funny creatures. People love them not for their soft fur and mysterious eyes, but for the fact that you will not get bored with them. And that’s why so many furry internet stars have so many followers!
So the Persian cat Atchum has already 500 thousand subscribers!
The reason for this is that the cat is an exact copy of Chewbacca, the beloved Star Wars character. Atchum is a 6-year-old resident of Quebec, Canada, who suffers from a rare hormonal anomaly called hypertrichosis.
This disease is manifested in the fact that the hair and claws of the animal grow very quickly. Atchum’s coat is thick, long and harsh. And the teeth are very small. But this does not prevent him from enjoying food.
With good care, this disease does not interfere with the cat at all. He, like all representatives of his breed, is dexterous and playful. And in the company of two more cats who live with him in the same house, Atchum works miracles of balancing act both on the stairs and on cat rides.
In photographs, Atchum often poses in ties. He has a whole collection of these men’s accessories. The image of a disheveled professor suits him very well.