Bobcat makes ​insanely long jump over water: fishermen are astonished witnessing the long jump

Several fishermen were hunting blue crabs in the Pecan Island, Louisiana when they suddenly saw a bobcat walking along a weir. What happened next made the man understand that they were wrong in calculations.

Bobcat makes ​insanely long jump over water: fishermen are astonished witnessing the long jump

So the puma made it jump from one side of the weir to another. It seemed to be impossible because the space between the two edges of the bridge was quite away.

Bobcat makes ​insanely long jump over water: fishermen are astonished witnessing the long jump

Fishermen even caught the sight on their cellphones, knowing that the bobcat would get wet. But their considerations were left unfulfilled as the bobcat made the most incredible jump ever! He made it so easy and fast that one glance is not enough to enjoy the moment.

Bobcat makes ​insanely long jump over water: fishermen are astonished witnessing the long jump

Even though we are surprised to see such scenarios nevertheless jumping is a part of the bobcat’s everyday routine. They are athletic animals and jumping across a bridge is not a hard task for them.

Here you can watch the magnificent jump:

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Bobcat makes ​insanely long jump over water: fishermen are astonished witnessing the long jump
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