Bear pregnancy test – 2-year-old beagle Elvis detects pregnancy in polar bears

In Kansas, a beagle dog named Elvis has appeared, which can easily determine whether a female polar bear is pregnant or not.

US zoos are looking to use a 2-year-old dog to determine if polar bears are pregnant soon.

Bear pregnancy test - 2-year-old beagle Elvis detects pregnancy in polar bears

The thing is that breeding polar bears in their natural habitat is not easy, and in captivity, it is associated with even more difficulties.

Zoo specialists would like to know for sure whether a female has become pregnant or not in order to start monitoring her health and her offspring in a timely manner.

Bear pregnancy test - 2-year-old beagle Elvis detects pregnancy in polar bears

It turns out that most pregnancies in captive polar bears are false, and the rest are often complicated. To prevent this from happening, a pregnant bear must be protected in time from excessive physical exertion, as well as from other individuals.

It is worth noting that traditional (early-stage) pregnancy tests are often flawed. Therefore, the use of canine scent has become a real breakthrough in the field of diagnostics, according to zoologists.

Bear pregnancy test - 2-year-old beagle Elvis detects pregnancy in polar bears

The idea came to the Cincinnati Zoo after they read about research on the use of dogs that can detect cancer. Now they have their own bear pregnancy test – 2-year-old beagle Elvis, which does an excellent job.

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Bear pregnancy test – 2-year-old beagle Elvis detects pregnancy in polar bears
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