Australian saw claws sticking out of the ceiling. The situation is terrible, but her guest is a real cutie

Australian Sabrina Raven saw an uninvited guest in her bathroom – something appeared on the ceiling that the woman at first mistook for a caterpillar or spiders huddled together.

However, upon closer examination, it turned out that these were not insects, but something warm-blooded. Sabrina’s guest made a hole in the ceiling, and his fur side stuck out of it.

The first thing Sabrina did was point her finger at the furry thing, which wasn’t the smartest idea, she admitted. However, the guest did not bite off anything to the woman, but she found out that the fur of the animal is soft.

Australian saw claws sticking out of the ceiling. The situation is terrible, but her guest is a real cutie

The next day, menacing-looking claws appeared in the hole.

Thanks to this clue, Sabrina guessed that her guest was a fox possum. Despite their threatening weapons on their paws, the animal looks as cute as possible. Later, Sabrina saw the muzzle of the animal in the hole and realized that her guesses were correct.

Sabrina’s guest was a local cutie – a fox kuzu.

Despite their charming appearance, fox kuzu are famous for the terrible sounds they can make. In addition, they jump on the roof very loudly at night.

Australian saw claws sticking out of the ceiling. The situation is terrible, but her guest is a real cutie

Sabrina believes that her guest found some kind of loophole on the roof of her house, and from there made his way into the space above the bathroom, where he gnawed a hole for himself.

Now Sabrina cannot yet drive away from her unexpected neighbor.

Fox kuzu is a protected species, and once caught, they are released into the wild at a distance of about 20 meters from where they were found.

Australian saw claws sticking out of the ceiling. The situation is terrible, but her guest is a real cutie

Sabrina believes that the beast will immediately return to her home, and since the woman never found the hole through which he made his way to her roof, the kuzu will again live with her and yell at night.

First, Sabrina wants to find and close the loophole through which the animal crawls through to her, and then she will call the service, which will take her body away from her.

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Australian saw claws sticking out of the ceiling. The situation is terrible, but her guest is a real cutie
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