After a month spent with people the abandoned fox cannot be recognized

This red-haired baby was found in the forest, where he lived with a heap of branches and grass. The fox was barely standing on its paws from hunger and dehydration and was afraid of everyone and everything.

He was taken away by zoo defenders, as he did not even have the strength to run away. Volunteers took him, wrapped in a blanket, in which he was finally able to warm up, to the animal protection and rescue center.

All conditions for recovery were created for the fox in the center. The veterinarians checked his health and came to the conclusion that he was okay.

After a month spent with people the abandoned fox cannot be recognized

The found cub was given an individual enclosure, in which he was soon able to feel safe – despite the restriction of freedom of movement.

Care and healthy eating soon did their job: the gray shabby fur was replaced by thick and fluffy and began to shine with a noble redhead.

After a month spent with people the abandoned fox cannot be recognized

He quickly found a common language with the dog he met for a walk.

This is how the little fearful animal again became active and cheerful, and now in its appearance nothing anymore resembles that helpless creature on the verge of life and death, found in the forest under an armful of withered grass and branches.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!:

After a month spent with people the abandoned fox cannot be recognized
Fluffy ticket controller makes everyone smile at the station. She simply loves attention and hugs