80 years old endangered tortoise becomes a mom for the first time: all the babies are healthy

Some tortoises live 10-80 years. When they are old, they enjoy the remained life without having to be responsible for new babies.

Yet, for the tortoise named Nigrita, it was the age for having babies for the first time. This is when you realize that age can just be a number.

80 years old endangered tortoise becomes a mom for the first time: all the babies are healthy

The birth of the endangered species is not only the happiness of the mother tortoise but of all the wildlife lovers as the tortoise is a real hero to have babies at a late age.

Nigrita is a tortoise inhabiting in the Zoo Zürich in Switzerland. The species may live up to 150 years. They are considered long-living tortoises.

80 years old endangered tortoise becomes a mom for the first time: all the babies are healthy

There are about 10 Galapagos tortoises left in nature. So in the frames of a breeding program, Nigrita was able to give birth to healthy babies. It turns out that only after being 40 years old, these species give birth.

So it’s natural for this tortoise to be used in a breeding program at a late age. Though Nigrita is old, she takes care of her tiny babies and treats them with love and responsibility!

80 years old endangered tortoise becomes a mom for the first time: all the babies are healthy

The father of the little tortoises is the 54-year-old Jumbo.

We are excited to know that these tortoises continue their existence thanks to concerned people!

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Comments: 1
  1. Amber Veeg

    Was the tortoise artificially inseminated, sperm from the male tortoise?

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80 years old endangered tortoise becomes a mom for the first time: all the babies are healthy
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