74-year-old woman fights off alligator, receiving wounds to save her golden retriever

Our pets are always ready to put their lives at risk for us. We’ve heard numerous histories of dog heroism so far. The contrary also happens.

Yes, there are people who can put themselves in danger to save their pets. A similar incident happened on August 24, when a 74 years old woman was walking her dog near a lake in Boca Raton, Florida.

74-year-old woman fights off alligator, receiving wounds to save her golden retriever

It was evening, and after playing fetch they were enjoying the lake. The golden retriever named Nalu was swimming in the water when her owner saw something moving on the surface of the water.

She immediately jumped into the lake to defend her dog from an alligator. The latter was 6 feet long. So the woman came down on the predator with all of her weight.

74-year-old woman fights off alligator, receiving wounds to save her golden retriever

The alligator soon turned his attention to Susan. When they received help, both Susan and Nalu were injured. They were immediately taken to hospital.

Thankfully, these two survived. Susan received injuries on her hand and Nalu on her stomach.

74-year-old woman fights off alligator, receiving wounds to save her golden retriever

They were not only physically injured but also emotionally traumatized. That’s why for three weeks Susan was afraid of going near the lake.

This is absolutely a horrible incident. But the story itself is incredible. Susan is an example of a true animal lover. Nalu is lucky to have such an amazing and selfless owner.

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74-year-old woman fights off alligator, receiving wounds to save her golden retriever
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